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Whale Game NFT (Nov 2021) Read Detailed Features Here!

Whale Game NFT (Nov 2021) Read Detailed Features Here!

The write-up discusses Whale Game NFT, which is gaining huge popularity around the globe. So, scroll down the entire post to play the game safely with ease.

Have you ever played any crypto games? Whale Game is a new NFT game released on Oct. 4 by the Decentraland team of developers. Crypto gaming has been a small but increasingly popular trend in crypto. 

The game showcases the same functionality of real-world collectible games of chance but provides blockchain-based transparency and innovation. In the United States, People are excited about this NFT game. Keep reading to learn more about Whale Game NFT

What is Whale Game?

It is a decentralized EOS-based game based on the Ethereum smart contract, in which players use their tokens to bet on the rise and fall of ETH and EOS to earn more tokens in return. Also, you can freely create your games. Each game is worth 100 WHALES per round.

Players of the United States can buy, sell & trade their NFTs with other players in the open market. All transactions get performed through smart contracts, which are publicly available, allowing players to audit them. It ensures that all transactions are verifiable, transparent and trustless.

About Whale Game NFT Founder

If you’ve been in the crypto space for a while, you’ve probably heard of Benyamin Ahmed. The CEO and founder of Whale game became one of the first to create non-fungible tokens (NFTs). 

Benyamin Idea For the Game

Benyamin came up with the idea for the project about a year ago when he started wondering how he could make a stable income by creating unique digital assets that weren’t just limited to the ICOs and crypto trading that he had gotten involved in up until then. He even made a few collectables for himself using his ERC-721 smart contracts. 

How to get Profit by Whale Game?

The goal of the Whale Game NFT is to get the most value out of your whale. You can do it in 2 ways:

1) Buy/Sell NFTs on OpenSea and in the Whale NFT game. By selling your whales, you can get ETHs in return.

2) Send your wales to another player by using our Whale NFT game. In this case, you do not need to hold the whale for a long time(only one day). You can contact any other player from our Whale NFT game and offer him to take your whale. If he accepts, you lose your whale, and he gets it instead of you. 

In this case, both players will earn points from the size of Whale Game NFT after the transaction happens. Each whale is unique and hand-crafted by Ahmed himself. The whales also allow us to create our tribes, and these tribes can get used as clans for players.

Final Verdict 

The recent Whale game is a collection of NFTs that he will sell for $400K per whale. These NFTs are unique due to the way they incorporate the Ethereum public ledger into their game mechanic. Because these NFTs can be created and tracked on the blockchain.

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Also Read : – Monsta Infinity NFT (Oct 2021) A Play To Earn Game!

The post Whale Game NFT (Nov 2021) Read Detailed Features Here! first appeared on marifilmines.
